Tuesday, February 24, 2009

JSHS Music Concert

A great concert was presented last night. Pictured are some of the girls in the 11-12 Choir. There was also 9-10 Choir, Jazz Band, Concert Band and Swing Choir. There were some missing due to illness, but true performers that they are, the kids filled in very well, Swing choir especially. My camera died after this shot as batteries went down. You would think I would learn to take the camera bag along to have all supplies. They look plenty somber here while waiting to start a serious song. They had some happier, fun, numbers also. (First time I ever heard anyone "sing" the William Tell Overture. )


  1. Wasn't that a fun one - the William Tell Overture? What a hoot!

  2. I didn't know our H sang in the choir.
