Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Through the Screen

Playing with my camera and taking through the screen...  Our JV beat PV 6-2.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

JV Baseball

Various pictures from others.  They won tonight, tied last night.  Mostly he has played outfield, but also relieving pitcher and second base.  Has been hitting the balls consistently, but not lucking out to get on base the last two game.  Had a great hit yesterday morning though. 

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Busy Week of Baseball

9th grade vs Roland-Story - They were down 0-6 when he put Calvin in to pitch.  He hadn't pitched at all last year and before for that only occasionally.  Actually he did quite well.  As well as some of the ones that think they are pitchers.  In 2 innings he only walked one and had one strike out.  Others were put outs, errors and a couple hits.  Anyway he threw good strikes with regularity.

One great hit, and on base a couple other times.

Had planned on one game but they had 6 subs so we played two games.  Our team had to borrow three eights graders as two of our players had Driver Ed the first game.  Than they had a JVgame in the evening in Perry.  That one we won 14-2. Had a game last night and four more to go this week. 

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Baseball Continues

4 wins - 3 loses and one game cancelled so far.  Calvin continues to play outfield.  Hasn't had much action lately.  Usually hits and often hot enough it's dropped, so scored as error.  But has had some great hits too and lots of RBIs and has scored most games. Last game he only played one inning.  In the top of the second when they were ahead 8-0  he was subbed out and the kids that hadn't played much finished the 4 inning game.  We won 14-2.  He'll have 5 - JV and 2 - 9th grade games this next week, so should get plenty of playing time.