Monday, May 31, 2010

A Pool for Herky

The rescued baby duck now has a pool. He loves it. He wouldn't dive under and swim for us as he had just gotten out before we got there. He would get in and swim around. He even tried to fly and I almost missed the picture. He loves to eat bugs. Ants aren't safe. When he is done, he will hop into an opened palm and snuggle down. He is getting bigger and the fuzz is turning feathery. (He doesn't know he is a duck!)

Finally Completed!

Marg, did you give me this one? It's tough. Jill didn't even want to try to add a piece when she saw it. "No color picture!" You need it, if you have tried it yet, both Marg and Mary Jane.

Monday, May 24, 2010


After the big party everyone relaxed at the graduation ceremony. My pictures are never very good in that gym. There is just not enough light, but you get the idea. Abbey was honored for honor roll. (That is what the gold cord means. The white is National Honor Society)

More Pictures

There are more pictures from the omelet breakfast on facebook. I'll get around to a couple from graduation also. Abbey's quilt that Teresa made turned out lovely. Cousins and little brothers got put to work too. And here is a picture of the Fields table. (Calvin has on the wristbands from everyday at the state track meet. He may wear them forever!) Jeff finished 8th in the 100 meter run as did the 4 x 100, ninth in the 4 x 200 and 20 something in the 4 x 400. The team tied for 13th!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Graduation Day for Abbey

An omelet breakfast was the graduation party highlight. Here are the cooks (that did a great job) with our graduate. I should get more pictures up tomorrow. It's been a busy day.

Friday, May 21, 2010

State Track

Jeff will run twice tomorrow at the State Track Meet. First in the Open 100 meter where he had the 6th fastest time and later in the 4 x 100 where they had the 5th fastest time and broke their own school record again. They were 9th in the 4 x 200, so missed by one placing of qualifying. The 4 x 400 had tough luck when the # 1 and 2 runners dropped the baton and were last when #2 got started. The # 3 runner gained one place and #4 runner (Jeff) gained another place. (This picture shows his first track medal. It's from the Bell tower Festival, when he was about 6.)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Awards Night

Awards night was last night following an banquet for Seniors and parents. We attended the awards ceremony. Abbey was the receiver of a gold cord for honor roll and two other awards. The last day of school for seniors is today!

JS High School State Track Qualifiers

Monday, May 17, 2010

Senior Sunday

The graduates were honored at 10:00 Mass yesterday. It is a real good group of kids. Abbey helped bring up gifts and Teresa was Eucharistic Minister. There was a breakfast for students and Parents after Mass.___________ Below is one of the many Track announcements on the school TV station showing conference achievements. Thought I had better get one on as District will be on this week!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Happy Birthday, Matt!

_____Have a fun day doing your favorite things. This is your second grade picture. A day or two ago! Our schedule tomorrow includes Senior Mass at 10, as Abbey's class is honored. This week graduation activities get underway. We'll miss Calvin's last baseball game for this spring season. (We got to part of one day.) He'll have more and Abbey only graduates from High School once. I'm not getting around very fast yet anyway, but the foot is gradually getting better. ______We didn't go to the district track meet in Atlantic last night. Jeff qualified for state in 4 events. Open 100, 4 x 100, 4 x 200, & 4 x 400. He'll be running in Des Moines next Thurs. Friday, & Saturday. (But Teresa doesn't have anything else to do with working and getting ready for graduation on Sunday!!!!!)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Foot Report

I have a fractured metatarsal, right at the joint. Anyway she said it is the bone in the foot that has the fracture. I am to go see my regular Dr. in 10 - 14 days. It isn't as painful as the first night when I gave up and went home from the trackmeet. (Jeff got a second when I was there and was in on 3 firsts after I left!) It helps to keep it elevated. I haven't taken any tylenol today. And those that know me, know I have to be bad off to take anything. So guess I'll have to take it easier than I want. I'm glad I no longer have the job of filling the snack machines for the Auxiliary. Those that don't know: I took a sack out of the cupboard and it split and a big can of peaches fell and hit my foot! (Of course I was barefoot!) I did get that batch of fruit cups finished and plan to get more groceries to make more in a day or two.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Birthday, Teresa!

Teresa's birthday and Mother's day hit the same day this year. She will have to doubly celebrate. Here Teresa is hosting a party. (I think cookies were involved - Dan and the dog didn't want to miss anything.) This picture caught my eye as Teresa is busy getting ready for Abbey's graduation party in two weeks. Have a great birthday, Teresa!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Track @ Huxley

Jeff had track at Huxley last evening. Our team won the A bracket. There was good competition. Here is the 100 meter run. Jeff was declared the victor. If I would have been a fraction of a second quicker, I would have had a photo finish. I thought he had second, but when announced, he had a first at 11.36 seconds. 11.36 seconds doesn't give you much time for pictures! He also ran the 4 x100 - 1st, 4 x 200 - 2nd and 4 x 400 - 3rd. Calvin had a baseball scrimmage, so couldn't go. We missed his stopwatch!!! (and company and comments) Teresa rode over with us. She kept David (busy planting) updated by texting him after each event.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Baseball in Ankeny

Today started out real nice. We didn't need a jacket and not much breeze. We found the complex of fields and have never seen quite such a layout for youth sports. We arrived after Calvin's game had started. He was playing 3rd. The other team was from Bondurant. Calvin got on base and died on first. Then the 3rd inning went to left field. He got some action there. They are set up to play 6 innings or 1 1/2 hours, but the umpire called the game at 10 to one. 1/2 hour short. No one seemed to know why. We waited to start at 1:30 on the next field. This time one of the Ankeny teams. Clouds were building and we saw some lightning to the south. A few sprinkles, but it was kind of going around us. We had the bases loaded, when they called the game for 1/2 hour. Then at 2:40 the rain had pretty well passed and they canceled our game, so they could start the 3:00 games. Quite disappointing I thought.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Historical Museum

After our Genealogical Society meeting this morning we toured the local Historical Museum. The lamp is a kerosene chandelier. (Now converted to electricity.) The tree was cut down in 2007 and was 146 years old. The arrows show happenings of various years. Also note a 1900 laundry room.

Happy birthday, Dan!

Here you were a mighty 1st grader! 1968---