Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Pat's Bouquet

These pictures are for you, Marg. Isn't the little "cabbage" flower quite an addition. It looks nice. Also since I had my camera along I took a picture of the foot that Mother thinks is so terrible, awful. It has been a week and 1/2 since she discovered the bruise on the top of her foot that was yellowed when she found it. The Dr. (that she demanded to see) told her it would be just fine and to stay up and keep going. Anyway she took to her bed and tells everyone she has to keep it elevated. The top of her foot looks fine now. I would think she would get tired of staying in bed. (She gets up to the bathroom without any problem, or pain, or limping.) They finally convinced her to go out to the dining room last night, but she wouldn't until she had a wheelchair with a leg extention to keep it elevated! They will try to get her out again tonight. (The 3-11 nurse I visited with tonight said she has been going out to get ice cream in the evenings though)

1 comment:

  1. Maybe that's where I get my love for ice cream! Sore foot or not, ice cream at night is a necessity ;)
