Sunday, March 29, 2009

More Free Stuff

I've been clearing out again. These books are some I've collected from garage sales. Some I read and liked, and some I wanted to read. (And some- Who knows) I go to the library and don't need these. I'll offer them to Shirley if I have no other claims first, as she mentioned the HS read program when she took the kids books. I'll ask her about the bride's maid dress too. She works with costumes for the plays. Yes, I still have some bluejays. (One of these is a music box) These are not quite correct coloring for North America. And I have too many. The Halloween mister is a decent decoration, but don't try the mister with our water. Leaves a white film. The thermos is fine. Just don't need it. The snowmen are too Christmasey and I don't get my snowmen out until I put away nativities.


  1. Spring Cleaning!
    Our soldiers would also appreciate the books!!! Between Soldiers Angels and Books for Soldiers...I have no doubt your books would be of good use!

  2. I will take the James Patterson Voilets are Blue. I also will take the power strip with the things plugged in!
