Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Dodgeball/Fund Raiser

Hil's team were Princesses. They were after the best costume prize. I didn't stay for the finals to see which team won. So I don't know of glamor beat grunge or not. They have various other award also. Hil's team lost their first match and went on to win a couple more before elimination. __________________________________________ Abbey's team were the fire fighters. They looked like they had just finished fighting a fire. I don't know how long or how much work it took to get their hair looking this wild! They had two losses. ____________________________________________________________________________ Jeff's team was the Trojans. (Scranton of course, as they had some of David's old shirts) It was made up of Sophomore and Freshman boys. They had a loss and a couple wins before being eliminated, when it got to single games. A good time was had by all!


  1. Abbey's team should of won best costume! Loved it! I liked the hair the most!

  2. Sadie votes for Abbey's team as well.

  3. Mom, could you take a picture of some food next time for Dan!??!?! What did you and dad have for supper??

  4. Jill votes for Hilary's team. But she loved Abbey's hair.

  5. How clever all of those costumes are. What a neat idea!

  6. Good thing you couldn't read Abbey's team's shirts. They said (on the front) Fire fighters. . . we put out. . .(and on the back) FIRES. Clever, but NOT necessarily true :)

  7. hahaha clever! I still vote for her team. Who won?

  8. The Tartan Army won. A bunch of guys with tartan plaid skirts. They didn't dominate though. I haven't heard of the other awards.

  9. They didn't give out costume awards this year - bummer :(
