Sunday, May 8, 2011

AT Ballard and Ames

____Track was in Huxley on Thursday. Three firsts and a fourth. Shuttle hurdle relay, 100, 200, and 4 x 100 (4th). Calvin had a baseball game in Jefferson Friday night. (Little league equivalent) He had to sit out the first inning. He had only been to 2 of their practice, as busy with track meets and CCD one night. Then played shortstop and first base the rest of the game and had some really good plays. Saturday he had two games in Ames with the traveling team. They won over Ames and lost to Newton. He played five different positions. Where he plays depends on who pitches and who sits out. 1st, 3rd, short, and right and left fields. Some of the boys only play one position or just a couple and Calvin fills in whereever. He likes the variety. This week both LL games are on nights of track meets, so that presented a dilemma. That team needs him and he has decided to skip the conference track meet Monday and play ball and go the the district meet Friday. ( He gave Teresa orders on how to tape the races!!!) Track will soon be over. District determines who goes to state the following weekend.