Friday, August 22, 2014

Ready for Finishing Touches

The shop

First machine to be in the shed.  David's 50th birthday present! And Calvin wants to drive it in the next Bell Tower Parade.

Considering concrete approaches.......the next step.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Hot August Nights - 2014

Nice night, cloudy, a little breeze and a great turn out.  Over 350 entries, cars, cycles and tractors. 

A good night for seeing people.  Ate with the Kiwanis and watermelon furnished by Fareway. 

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Machine Shed

July 9th - In the beginning....

Really starting to take shape  today.  Whenever there is a hole being dug or a construction going up, my husband makes it a point of watch.  Lots to watch in Jefferson right now - the hospital and the casino, plus a few lesser projects.