Monday, April 21, 2014


Dan found the perfect decal, that he added this weekend.

Saturday before Easter

Jenni and the girls arrived just as I had to leave for Monica's funeral.

Mara had this Easter egg hunting figured out.

Becca need a little instruction.

Selfie of my photographers while I was gone.

All eggs found.

Dan checking out the candy!

silly girls......

Teresa with her CR nieces.

I was back in time for lunch.

Every one headed for the basement.  (That ugly tablecloth is covering an unfinished puzzle)

A ping pong game developed.

Which turned into rotary ping pong. First it was 4 and they really had to hurry  Than 6 and they tried to keep it  alive, which then turned into an elimination game. 

Monday, April 14, 2014

Prom 2014

At the grand March.  This was the station before they got near me.  Glad I snapped it as Calvin never turned my direction at the next station.  We had rain just before starting, so everyone moved to the Rec Center. Too noisy to get his attention.  The rest of the pictures are from various people's postings on facebook.

In our beautiful Courthouse!

See, my pictures weren't the only ones blurry at the Rec Center.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Happy National Sibling Day

Taken at Teresa and David's Wedding Reception